23/04/2024 - 02:36
November 26, 2020 On the morning of November 26, on the construction site of Song Hau 1 Thermal Power Plant Project (Phu Xuan Hamlet, Mai Dam Town, Chau Thanh District, Hau Giang Province), Investor Group Vietnam Oil and Gas (Petrovietnam), Song Hau 1 Petroleum Power Project Management Board successfully organized the event of synchronizing Unit 1 into the 500kV National Power System.
Synchronizing Unit 1 of Song Hau 1 Thermal Power Plant into the 500kV national power system

The first successful synchronization of the power grid is the next milestone after nearly 4 months of the first fire (July 28, 2020) to complete the testing work to put Unit 1 into commercial operation. Quarter II/2021. The synchronization of Unit 1 is an important progress milestone in the process of building, installing, testing systems, and generating electricity to the National Grid of the unit. At the same time, it is a milestone to move to the process of adjusting combustion modes to increase capacity and optimize the operating mode of the Unit.

In addition, the synchronization work is proof that most systems have been put into stable operation, ensuring safe operation of the generator set as well as being ready to supply electricity to the national grid. Comrade Hoang Quoc Vuong, Secretary of the Party Committee – Chairman of the Petrovietnam Member Council attended and congratulated workers on the construction site

Speaking at the ceremony, Petrovietnam General Director Le Manh Hung emphasized: Petrovietnam highly appreciates the attitude and working spirit of Song Hau Petroleum Power Project Management Board 1 (Project Management Board), of General Contractor Lilama, Doosan Company , construction contractors, design consultants, and supervision consultants quickly and decisively overcame many difficulties to successfully complete the task, successfully synchronizing Unit 1 into the power system. national 500kV.

Song Hau 1 Thermal Power Plant Project has an important significance in implementing the Vietnam Oil and Gas Industry’s Power Sector Development Strategy towards 2030. When put into operation, the Plant will supply to the national power grid. about 7.8 billion kWh/year, contributing to ensuring national energy security and economic development in the Mekong Delta region in general and Hau Giang province in particular. With a modern European equipment system, and Petrovietnam’s determination to ensure environmental safety, Song Hau 1 Thermal Power Plant will operate safely, effectively, and environmentally friendly as expected.

In the context of the “dual crisis” of the Covid-19 epidemic and the decline in oil prices, along with many unprecedented difficulties and challenges in history, important milestones were achieved on the critical path of the Song Hau 1 Thermal Power Plant Project during the year. 2020 saw the first fire of generator unit No. 1, successfully energizing projects: 500kV Song Hau – Duc Hoa transmission line phase 1, 500kV distribution yard of Song Hau Power Center and main transformer of Song Hau 1 Thermal Power Plant , Synchronizing Unit 1 into the 500kV National Power System today is the result of efforts and efforts to overcome difficulties, demonstrating Petrovietnam’s outstanding maturity as an investor of projects. national key energy.

(According to Great Solidarity Newspaper)

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