16/05/2024 - 03:25

On April 27, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attended the inauguration ceremony of Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant in My Loc commune, Thai Thuy district, Thai Binh province organized by Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam). 

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh visits the Central Control Room of Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh visits the Central Control Room of Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant.

With a total area of ​​131.74 hectares, Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant Project has a capacity of 1,200 MW – a large-scale project in the Northern Delta region. This is an urgent power source project under the General Electricity Diagram VII and the adjusted General Electricity Diagram VII. Once completed and put into operation, Thai Binh 2 factory will annually provide about 7.2 billion kWh to the national power grid, with a revenue of about 18,000 billion VND/year, paying over 400 million to the State budget. billion VND/year, directly and indirectly employing over 400 local workers, contributing to ensuring national energy security and economic development in the Northern Delta region in general and Thai Binh province in particular.

With a total area of ​​131.74 hectares, Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant Project has a capacity of 1,200 MW – a large-scale project in the Northern Delta region. This is an urgent power source project under the General Electricity Diagram VII and the adjusted General Electricity Diagram VII. Once completed and put into operation, Thai Binh 2 factory will annually provide about 7.2 billion kWh to the national power grid, with a revenue of about 18,000 billion VND/year, paying over 400 million to the State budget. billion VND/year, directly and indirectly employing over 400 local workers, contributing to ensuring national energy security and economic development in the Northern Delta region in general and Thai Binh province in particular.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh visited and encouraged the staff and engineers of the Central Control Room of Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh visited and encouraged the staff and engineers of the Central Control Room of Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant.

The project uses direct combustion, natural circulation coal furnace technology with near-critical parameters and high indicators of performance, stability, safety, and well meets standard emission conditions. Vietnam and international; Friendly and environmentally protective due to the application of modern technologies to reduce NOx emissions, dust filtration, SOx removal, and wastewater treatment.

To date, the two power units have completed the commissioning process and have generated electricity, providing over 1 billion kWh to the National Power System. The project has gone through many periods of turmoil, especially at a time when it seemed like the project had to “freeze” due to past incidents, leading to problems related to the legal basis and capital source for project implementation, Covid 19 pandemic… But beyond all, on the land of Thai Binh – the place known as the “cradle” of the oil and gas industry, with the desire and determination of those looking for fire, The close guidance of the Government, the Prime Minister, and the collective of Petrovietnam officials and employees have worked hard day and night, devoting all their strength, to overcome difficulties; all for the revival, completion and assurance of project quality for the national key project – Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant.

Central control room of Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant.

Central control room of Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant.

Currently, the total capacity of Petrovietnam’s operated power plants is more than 6,600 MW, including Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant, accounting for about 8.5% of the country’s total installed capacity. This result firmly affirms Petrovietnam’s role and position as the second largest electricity producer in Vietnam. Petrovietnam is committed to operating the plant safely, stably and efficiently; Coordinate with Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN) in mobilizing optimal electricity production output of the plant and with local authorities in ensuring security, safety, and good implementation of social security policies society and ensure the environment for people in the project area.

Before the inauguration ceremony, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and leaders toured the main items of the factory; Visit the factory’s central control room.

Talking to the staff and operating engineers, the Prime Minister congratulated the factory for daring to think, daring to do, daring to innovate, operating smoothly, reaching maximum designed capacity, creating jobs for many people. . The Prime Minister hopes that the factory’s staff will ensure safe operation, thereby meeting the maximum demand for electricity, while ensuring environmental hygiene.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and leaders performed the ribbon-cutting ceremony to inaugurate Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and leaders performed the ribbon-cutting ceremony to inaugurate Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh expressed his joy in the excited atmosphere of the whole country celebrating holidays (Hung King’s death anniversary, 48 years of Southern Liberation Day April 30 and International Day May 1 Labor Day, President Ho Chi Minh’s birthday May 19) are allowed to attend important events.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh stated that in recent times, despite facing many difficulties and challenges, especially legal problems, Petrovietnam and its units have used creativity and tireless efforts to recover. The factory was born after the determination of the Government, ministries, branches, especially Petrovietnam, right at the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak in Vietnam as well as in the world. From then on, joy multiplied, showing a very high determination to overcome challenges and revive the factory according to the schedule and requirements of the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister affirmed that the inauguration event of Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant has many great meanings, which are: contributing to industrialization and rural electrification in Thai Binh province; contributing to ensuring national energy security in general, and for the Red River Delta region and Thai Binh province in particular; implement circular economy; contributing to creating jobs and livelihoods for people during the construction and operation of the current factory; contributes to increasing important budget revenues for localities; especially marks the maturity of Petrovietnam, contractors, leaders and directors of Thai Binh province; Affirming the correct policy of the Party and State in energy development, in accordance with the “Party’s will and the people’s heart”.

The Prime Minister emphasized that the inauguration of the Project demonstrates the achievements of tireless days and nights, overcoming all difficulties of thousands of employees and workers on the construction site, and the timely leadership and direction of the Prime Minister. all levels and sectors; the determination of Petrovietnam’s implementation by the General Contractor and contractors as well as the support of the government and people of Thai Binh province.

On behalf of the Party and State leaders, the Prime Minister thanked his compatriots and people for giving up long-standing residential and farming land for the project; We hope that local authorities at all levels of Thai Binh province will continue to pay attention and take care of the people in the project area who will relocate to a new place with a life equal to or better than the old place of residence.

The Prime Minister emphasized that thanks to our determination to carry out the project, we have “gained people, property, jobs, organization, and the hearts of the people”; put the interests of the country, nation and people first; Investment research is thorough, respects objective practice, does not overspend, prolong, waste resources, does not lose staff; Strengthen supervision and inspection right from the preparation, approval, construction, acceptance, and settlement stages; Be bold, dare to think, dare to do in conditions of legal problems, construction in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, must save capital…

The important thing is that we unify and apply creativity to complete the project, thereby not having to use capital from the State or the corporation, on the contrary, saving more than 200 billion VND. According to the Prime Minister, clearly, the meaning here is to be creative, dare to think, dare to do, dare to take responsibility, apply effectively, and remove difficulties and legal obstacles so as not to use State capital. approved capital savings. This shows a very high sense of responsibility. We are also strongly decentralized, separating State management from capital management, assigning this task directly to Petrovietnam. We have implemented decentralization but have a resource mobilization structure. When facing difficulties, we are not pessimistic or optimistic, showing high determination, great efforts, trying hard, and drastically organizing implementation; promote personal responsibility, specifically Group leaders; There was an effort to revive the project by officials and workers regardless of difficulties, day and night, working in the conditions of the Covid-19 epidemic; turn risks into opportunities to successfully complete assigned tasks; Implement epidemic prevention safely and complete on schedule.

In the coming time, the Prime Minister requested Petrovietnam to review all work of the factory in accordance with the standards, processes and criteria of a modern factory according to the provisions of law, ensuring safe operation, environment for the factory and surrounding people; Operate safely but must ensure capacity meets energy security requirements; Organize and operate factory management according to advanced standards, apply digital transformation, reduce costs, reform administrative procedures, and reduce costs.

For electricity, there are 5 important factors: power source, power transmission, appropriate power distribution to regions, efficient use of electricity, ensuring appropriate electricity prices, contributing to improving material and spiritual life. god of the people.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh

The Prime Minister requested ministries, branches, localities, and Petrovietnam to coordinate closely to operate the plant safely, without incidents occurring; Must calmly and closely coordinate when incidents arise to handle them quickly, promptly and effectively.

The Prime Minister also requested to ensure security and safety for factories and people; continue to create jobs and livelihoods for people; care and concern for the people who gave up their land for the project.

At the ceremony, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and leaders performed the ribbon-cutting ceremony to inaugurate Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant.

* Previously, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh inspected Lien Ha Thai Industrial Park. Accompanying him was Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Khac Dinh.

Thai Binh Economic Zone has a connecting location of the economic growth triangle of Hanoi – Hai Phong – Quang Ninh, with a coastal highway and coastal road running through the entire length of the Economic Zone, connecting from Quang Ninh, Hai Phong down to Nam Dinh, Ninh Binh and Thanh Hoa. The coastal road has 8 lanes planned (currently 2-4 lanes are under construction). In addition, the Economic Zone also has a transportation system connecting with National Highway 37, National Highway 39, National Highway 10, and Thai Binh-Ha Nam road. Lien Ha Thai Industrial Park (Green IP-1) with an area of ​​588.84 hectares was approved for Investment Policy on February 8, 2023, and is a key and pioneering project of Thai Binh Economic Zone. The industrial park has a convenient traffic location to connect with major cities, international airports, and deep-water ports of Hai Phong as it is adjacent to the “coastal road” and the “coastal highway”, adjacent to the “coastal road” and “coastal highway”. National Highway 39, National Highway 37, Provincial Highway 456.

After the coastal road comes into operation, the distance from Lien Ha Thai Industrial Park (Green iP-1) to surrounding areas will be greatly shortened. Currently, within 2 years from the date of receiving the investment policy, the Industrial Park has attracted 7 secondary investors, most of which are electrical and electronic projects with a total investment capital of 731 million USD. Although the number is still modest, it contributes to bringing Thai Binh Province into the top 10 nationwide for the first time in attracting investment. Land clearance is always a difficult problem, the province directly directs, the district along with the company in the past 2 years has cleared 582 hectares of land (ie reaching 98% of the industrial park area)…

Giving instructions, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh directed the investor to synchronously plan transport infrastructure, electricity, water, environmental protection, do a good job of site clearance, and plan a housing area. for workers in the direction of buying, renting and hiring.

The Prime Minister noted that in the long run, Thai Binh will still be an agricultural province, so it must still attach importance to agricultural development, but must shift from the mindset of agricultural production to agricultural economics; Planning industrial parks in accordance with potential and strengths, focusing on making good investments in the Thai Binh – Nam Dinh – Ninh Binh expressway.

The Prime Minister further noted that for this industrial park, it is necessary to invest in complete social infrastructure such as schools, healthcare, convenient transportation… because this place is expected to attract 50 to 60 thousand workers to work. job. From there, opening up new development space, contributing to consumption growth and economic development; At the same time, it is necessary to plan land areas for functional works such as customs services, banks, and police stations to ensure security and order. Focus on perfecting this industrial park model, then replicating this model; Planning must be methodical and synchronous. The province must allocate land to investors to quickly build this industrial park. The Prime Minister hopes that Lien Ha Thai Industrial Park will become a model of Thai Binh province, soon fill the area, attracting many investors here.

According to: People’s Newspaper

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